Arm Liposuction
Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ
Do you have flabby, bulging, or jiggly arms, despite your dedication to a healthy diet and regular exercise?
Liposuction is the number one way to slim and sculpt your arms into your ideal contours. Exercises and diets that promise “targeted weight loss” have all fallen short on results, but liposuction is a proven method for reshaping and sculpting the arms.
If you would like to learn more about how arm lipoplasty to dramatically improve the shape of your arms and overall body contours, schedule a private consultation today.
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a fat elimination surgery designed to address stubborn pockets of subcutaneous fat and achieve the desired contours in one or more areas of the body. The procedure is performed using only a few incisions and a slim cannula. The small incisions can be easily concealed in the natural lines of the body. Lipoplasty requires minimal downtime and enables Dr. David Abramson to deliver your preferred body contours, without inconveniencing your busy schedule.
If you have fat on your arms that is not responding to your diet and exercise efforts, liposuction is a safe, highly effective solution.
Dr. Abramson performs arm lipoplasty with tumescent fluid to achieve artful body sculpting. Tumescent fluid is a customizable solution of saline, epinephrine, and lidocaine. The solution makes the fat cells in the treatment area swell. This makes fat easier to gently extract from the body. The lidocaine additionally is a local anesthetic that will improve patient comfort.
Sculpting the Arms
Patients who maintain a healthy weight will enjoy slim, smooth arms for the long-term!
The arms are one of the most common places on the body to develop fat. Our male and female patients frequently feel frustrated by the stubborn flab that hides their often otherwise healthy, muscular arms. Arm liposuction targets and eliminates undesired fat from the underarm, shoulder, elbow, and forearm area. Dr. Abramson’s arm liposuction patients confirm: his tumescent liposuction methods completely transformed their arms into their ideal, healthy contours!
Dr. Abramson’s skill and experience enable him to shape the arms with minimal strain and maximum fat elimination. Every arm liposuction is highly tailored. The results look and feel natural. Arm liposuction is long-lasting: the procedure eliminates targeted fat from the body completely.
If you have sagging or loose skin on your arms, you may be a good candidate to combine the benefits of Arm Liposuction with an Arm Lift. These two procedures are commonly combined to achieve the smoothest, tightest arm contours possible.
Why choose Arm Liposuction? Men and women love Arm Liposuction because it:
- Slims down the arms
- Gets rid of arm “jiggle”
- Eliminates unwanted subcutaneous fat completely from the body
- Can safely remove up to five pounds of fat
- Leaves minimal scarring
- Sculpts their arms into their ideal toned or smooth contours
- Enable them to wear short sleeves again with confidence
- Allows them to get back to work within a week or two (depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient’s occupation)
Arm liposuction is an excellent option for men and women who have tried to slim and tone their arms with diet and exercise but are not seeing their preferred results. Arm lipoplasty eliminates these stubborn deposits to deliver slim, healthy contours. If you feel frustrated with the bulging, jiggling fat on your arms, you may be a good candidate for arm liposuction.
Best candidates for arm liposuction will be at a stable weight and have healthy skin elasticity. Candidates should have positive but realistic expectations of the outcomes achievable with arm liposuction.
Candidates will be asked to discontinue use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.) and supplements like vitamin E and St. John’s Wort prior to their surgery. Candidates will also need to discontinue smoking at least two weeks prior to and following arm liposuction.
Arm liposuction is designed to be a body contouring solution for patients who have achieved the majority of their intended weight loss and are currently at a stable weight. It should not be considered an alternative to healthy weight loss solutions.
If you have healthy skin laxity and are interested in addressing the fat on your arms, you are a good candidate for arm liposuction.
If you have loose, excess skin on your arms that contributes to a “bat wing” look, you may be a good candidate to combine arm liposuction with an arm lift. These two procedures are frequently combined to deliver the most smooth, slim arm contours possible.
Complementary Procedures
Arm liposuction is often combined with complementary procedures in order to achieve the most comprehensive results.
Many patients decide to improve their overall body contours by sculpting multiple areas of their body with liposuction. Men and women achieve beautiful results by combining arm liposuction with liposuction of one or more of these treatment areas:
- Thighs
- Buttocks
- Hips
- Stomach
- Flanks
- Back
- Chest
- Knees
- Chin
- Cheeks
- Calves
- Ankles
Arm Lift
If you have sagging skin in your arm or underarm area, you can transform your arms by combining arm liposuction with an arm lift. Many patients develop loose skin in the arms as a result of weight loss, stress, or simply time. Arm liposuction will address the frustrating fat contributing to your “jiggle” and hiding your muscular tone, while the arm lift will remove excess skin and tighten your arms into a smooth, slim shape.
Ready to achieve your body contouring goals with arm liposuction? To receive your personalized arm liposuction plan, schedule a private consultation with Dr. Abramson.
Dr. Abramson will meet with you privately to discuss the benefits of arm liposuction and answer any questions that you may have. Please disclose your medical history at this time to ensure that your procedure details will be most appropriate to you and your health profile.
View our liposuction Before and After gallery here.
Once Dr. Abramson has examined your arms and gained a clear sense of the outcomes you want to achieve, he will recommend a personalized body contouring treatment plan. He will be happy to discuss treatment options with you, including whether you are a candidate for an arm lift, or if a non-invasive fat elimination method like CoolSculpting is a good option for you. While CoolSculpting does not sculpt the arms to the degree of liposuction, it is a useful way to address stubborn fat deposits, without any downtime.
Arm liposuction is performed within one to two hours. Patients have the option of receiving arm liposuction under local anesthesia with IV sedation or under general anesthesia. Dr. Abramson will discuss candidacy for and benefits of these anesthesia options during consultation.
The details of your arm liposuction procedure will depend upon your individualized treatment plan.
Before Dr. Abramson begins arm liposuction, the arms will be cleansed. Dr. Abramson will make tiny incisions that will be easily concealed once they heal. Tumescent fluid will be introduced into the treatment area and given time to take effect. Dr. Abramson will carefully use a cannula to dislodge and break down stubborn fat deposits from the arms. The broken down fat will be carefully extracted with the cannula. Dr. Abramson will slim and sculpt the arms using this gentle lipoplasty method until the desired look has been achieved. The incision will be closed with delicate sutures once the procedure is complete.
All patients will receive personalized recovery instructions to help them experience as convenient and comfortable of a recovery as possible.
The amount of downtime required before a patient will be able to return to work will depend on two factors: the extent of the liposuction procedure and the physical demands of the patient’s profession.
On average, the recovery time for arm liposuction at Abramson Plastic, Reconstructive, & Cosmetic Surgery is one to two weeks. Bruising and swelling can occur but are rare following arm liposuction. These conditions will majorly improve within a few days of the procedure. Swelling will continue to improve over the weeks after arm liposuction.
You will see the results of your arm liposuction emerge within six weeks of arm liposuction. Your arms will continue to become slimmer and slimmer until final results are accomplished with two to three months. Arms will be slim, smooth, and flattering. You will be able to bare your arms again with the fear of flab! Fat cells, once they are eliminated from the body, do not return. Patients who stay dedicated to a healthy diet and active lifestyle will enjoy their slimmer, healthier arm contours for years!
How much does it cost to get liposuction on your arms?
The price of arm liposuction will reflect the specific needs of every individual case. Once you have determined the extent of your treatment, targeted your desired outcomes, and created a procedure plan with Dr. Abramson, you will receive an appropriate cost breakdown.
Does arm liposuction hurt?
Arm liposuction, when performed by an experienced, board-certified surgeon with the help of an accredited anesthesiologist, does not hurt. Dr. Abramson and his highly trained team are skilled in administering today’s leading surgical methods and pain-relieving options. You will receive recovery instructions well in advance to help you prepare for and control any post-procedure discomfort. They will work closely with you to guarantee you approach your liposuction procedure with peace of mind.
Does arm liposuction leave scars?
Arm liposuction has the potential to leave scars. Dr. Abramson takes care to make tiny incisions in areas of the body where the natural folds of the arm or underarm will conceal any scarring from view.
Want to see your new you before the procedure?
With Crisalix's 3D imaging technology you can see how you would look post-procedure if full 3D.