Tummy Tuck

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ

Contour The Shape of Your Life

Loose and sagging skin can be the result of a number of factors. But a tummy tuck by Dr. Abramson will resculpt your entire silhouette into a more pleasing shape. Lax skin is an inevitable result of the aging process. However, certain transformative life changes can increase how much skin hangs from your frame. Many of our tummy tuck patients are new mothers and people who have lost a significant amount of weight. 

Do you think you might qualify for our tummy tuck procedure? Contact Dr. Abramson and schedule your personal consultation.

Call 212-774-1828 (in New York), 201-731-3134 (in Englewood), or 201-731-3134 (in Franklin Lakes) to speak with one of our helpful representatives. We now offer Virtual Consultations to suit your preference. 

About Abdominoplasty 

An Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a body contouring surgery to remove loose, hanging skin at the stomach. Like getting yourself fitted for a fine suit, Dr. David Abramson will leave you with a beautifully smooth, defined abdomen. In most cases, a Tummy Tuck also restores weakened or separated muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile.[1] This surgical procedure is used to contour the abdomen when diet and exercise do not produce toning results after occurrences such as pregnancy or significant weight loss. Working out can tone muscle, but it cannot tone lax skin.

Dr. David L. Abramson has worked with hundreds of Tummy Tuck patients from Manhattan and other communities in the area.

He has listened to men and women who are frustrated by the fact that a flat, firm belly eludes them, despite their commitment to a healthy diet and consistent exercise. He has helped many individuals finally achieve a toned tummy with Abdominoplasty.

Learn the latest on all of Dr. David Abramson’s transformative procedures by reading our blog

Before & After Photos


Good candidates for a Tummy Tuck are men and women who are close to their ideal weight but are bothered by the feeling that their belly is too large. In some instances, performing Liposuction in conjunction with a tummy tuck can greatly enhance contoured results.

It is important to note that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss through diet and exercise. Also, the procedure cannot correct stretch marks, but they may sometimes be removed or improved during the excision of your excess skin.

Your Private Consultation With Dr. Abramson

During your private consultation, you will have the opportunity to share your concerns about your midsection with the always attentive Dr. Abramson. Your consultation will also include a comprehensive evaluation and a thorough explanation of the procedure. With both the examination findings and your goals in mind, Dr. Abramson will be able to determine which procedures will suit you best.

abdomen new jersey

This will be a life-changing decision for you. But don’t worry, Dr. Abramson will be there to help. So please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have at any step in the process. We want to make sure that you have zero concerns or uncertainties on your body sculpting journey. Call our office or schedule a consultation online to get started.

Contact Dr. Abramson and schedule your personal consultation. Call 212-774-1828 (in New York), 201-731-3134 (in Englewood) or 201-731-3134 (in Franklin Lakes) to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members. Virtual Consultations are now available to fit your schedule. 


Avoid smoking for a minimum of four weeks prior to your procedure. Discontinue anti-inflammatory medications and herbal supplements as these increase bruising and bleeding. 

Please have a friend or family member drive you home from surgery as you will not be able to drive yourself. We highly recommend having someone stay overnight with you to aid in your ongoing recovery. 

Dr. Abramson will give you additional personalized preparation tools, as well as specific postoperative instructions so you have ample time to get any supplies you may need during your recovery.

Tummy Tuck Techniques

Tummy tuck begins with an incision that runs horizontally between the pubic hairline and the navel. The shape and length of the cut will depend on the extent of the operation and the method performed.

Full Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck is designed for those with a large amount of loose, hanging skin and fat. An incision is made from hip to hip near the bikini line so it can easily be concealed in jeans.[2] Through the incision, your tummy tuck surgeon will repair and suture the weakened abdominal muscles above and below the naval. Excess fat, tissue, and skin will also be removed. At times, a second incision may be needed around the navel to excise extra skin in the upper abdomen.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is a smaller version of a full tummy tuck. Oftentimes, this involves tightening muscles and excising skin underneath the navel, but it can be ongoing. The skin redraping for the mini tummy tuck method is much less drastic than that of a full tummy tuck. Because of this, it is atypical to create a second incision for the navel. The length of the incision is frequently shorter than that required for a full tummy tuck.

Modified Tummy Tuck

A modified tummy tuck is great for those who only require minimal help with abdominal defining. This method focuses on enhancing either just the abdominal muscles or just the abdominal skin.

Male Tummy Tuck

A male tummy tuck is designed for men who have lost significant weight and have a large amount of excess skin. The abdominal muscles are tightened by suturing them together, excess hanging skin is removed, and the skin is then redraped to show defined muscles.[3]


One of the first things you may notice right after your surgery is that you will have drains from your incision locations to catch any excess fluid. You will receive special instructions on how to care for them until they are removed in about two weeks.

Continue to avoid anti-inflammatory medications, herbal supplements, and alcohol after your procedure; the exact amount of time will be determined by Dr. Abramson.

You will need to sleep with your head and back elevated and your legs slightly raised. This position reduces irritation or strain on the incision location. You can use pillows to prop yourself up.

Walking is important as it promotes good blood flow and minimizes the chance of blood clots. When walking you should be bent at the waist since this too decreases strain on the incision location.

Men and women can choose specialized cosmetic procedures to help improve the shape and function of the abdominal wall. A tummy tuck is often considered after significant weight loss that leaves you with excess skin and fat, such as post-pregnancy or C-section surgery.

A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure, and you will need to take time to heal afterward. We encourage you to call our office today and schedule your consultation with Dr. David Abramson so you can learn more about recovery from a tummy tuck in Englewood.

What Happens in a Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A tummy tuck, also called an abdominoplasty addresses excess skin and fat in the abdominal area. You are under general anesthesia for the surgery, and an incision is made above the pubic hairline and below the navel. The length and shape of the incision depend on the type of tummy tuck and the amount of excess skin and tissue to be removed.

During this body contouring procedure, Dr. Abramson may also use liposuction to remove excess fat deposits around your waist and flanks. However, tummy tuck and liposuction are not weight loss options. You must first achieve your desired weight goal and maintain that for several months before surgery.

How to Prepare for Recovery from a Tummy Tuck

Preparation is the key to any elective surgery, and the more you prepare for your recovery, the smoother it will likely go. Arrange to have some assistance at home for two to three days and help with housework, childcare, or pet care for the first two weeks.

Before surgery, set up a comfortable area where you can rest but still have easy access to things you might need, like pillows, medication, snacks, and entertainment.

You will want to avoid unnecessary movement to stay as comfortable as possible, but you must get up and walk several times daily to keep your blood moving and reduce the risk of blood clots. In addition, you must avoid all smoking and alcohol for six weeks before and after surgery. Nicotine increases the risk of complications, including infection.

Expectations and Tips for Recovery

Recovery typically takes several weeks. Post-surgery, your abdomen will likely be swollen, bruised, and painful. Dr. Abramson can prescribe pain medication at our Englewood office to help manage discomfort and make the tummy tuck recovery smoother.

During the first several days, you may experience some bloating, pressure, and swelling, which usually resolves spontaneously. When you wake up, drains will be placed near the incision lines. These help to remove excess fluid and blood that may build up under the incision, reducing the risk of infection and speeding healing. The drains are usually removed during your first follow-up appointment.

When you first come home, you may have difficulty bending, lifting, or standing, so it is vital to have a trusted friend or relative stay with you for the first 48 hours.

Follow Your Post-Op Instructions

You must follow your post-op instructions closely to reduce the risk of postoperative complications, including infection. If you have small children at home, you will want help with childcare for the first one to two weeks. After this, cooking, shopping, and driving are typically manageable. Most people take one month before they can go back to work if they do not have a physically demanding job.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

It is important to remember that recovery after tummy tuck surgery in Englewood is a gradual process. To give your body the nutrition it needs to heal appropriately, you should focus on eating nutritional foods and steer clear of an ultra-processed diet.

Get at least eight hours of quality sleep each night so your body can build new tissue to repair the area. You will go home with compression garments to help keep the tissue in place as it heals. Take special care to continue to wear these compression garments until Dr. Abramson tells you it is okay to stop. They help keep the tissue in place so it heals correctly and reduces swelling and discomfort.

Learn More About Recovery

A tummy tuck procedure can help you regain and restore a flat and smooth abdomen, giving you a more youthful silhouette. Call our office today to schedule your initial consultation!

Dr. Abramson can provide more information about recovery from a tummy tuck in Englewood. Find out how to prepare for this innovative surgery and how it can meet your cosmetic goals.

Complementary Procedures: Body Contouring


Liposuction is a body sculpting procedure that suctions out small fat deposits from various parts of the body. These excess fat deposits do not respond to diet or exercise. It can be performed as an alternative or ancillary procedure, depending on the patient’s specific needs. Liposuction alone will not address loose skin; that is why it is often paired with a tummy tuck.


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction and a tummy tuck. It targets and destroys fat cells by delivering extremely cold temperatures, which eliminates bulk without causing harm to the skin or surrounding tissue. There is little to no pain or downtime with this treatment. CoolSculpting patients should be close to their ideal weight but struggle with stubborn fat deposits.

Body Lift

A Body Lift is reserved for those who have lost an extreme amount of weight and have an abundance of loose skin on multiple areas of their body, not just the abdomen. A body lift consists of several different procedures, which can include an arm lift, liposuction, tummy tuck and/or thigh lift.

What Does Tummy Tuck Cost in New York City?

The highly personalized nature of Abdominoplasty makes it impossible to establish generic costs for the procedure. For your financing needs, we offer the Alphaeon and Prosper credit plans. Every patient is on an individual journey

At your personal consultation, Dr. Abramson will be able to accurately quote you a price for your Tummy Tuck. Dr. Abramson and his medical team will be open and honest about all aspects of the procedure, so you can ask all the questions you need.  


Does a tummy tuck improve your sex life?

It’s true, abdominoplasty can improve your sex life! During the course of the procedure, your skin will be lifted from the pubic mound. As a result, the angle of the vulva is changed. Many women attribute their postoperative sexual enjoyment to this minor course correction to the vulva. The curious phenomenon was measured in 2011 at the São Paulo School of Medicine.[4] Eventually, part and parcel to the many physical changes abdominoplasty is a decrease in the distance between the xiphoid process and vulvar commissure. Consequently, the clitoris is more exposed after abdominoplasty.


  1. Abramson, D. L. (1998). Tumescent Abdominoplasty: An Ambulatory Office Procedure. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 22(6), 404-407. doi:10.1007/s002669900224
  2. Najera, R. M., Asheld, W., Sayeed, S. M., & Glickman, L. T. (2011). Comparison of Seroma Formation following Abdominoplasty with or without Liposuction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 127(1), 417–422. doi: 10.1097/prs.0b013e3181f95763
  3. Maria S. Altieri, Jie Yang, Jihye Park, David Novikov, Lijuan Kang, Konstantinos Spaniolas, Andrew Bates, Mark Talamini, Aurora Pryor. Utilization of Body Contouring Procedures Following Weight Loss Surgery: A Study of 37,806 Patients. Obesity Surgery, 2017; doi: 10.1007/s11695-017-2732-4
  4. Brito, M. J. A. D., Nahas, F. X., Bussolaro, R. A., Shinmyo, L. M., Barbosa, M. V. J., & Ferreira, L. M. (2012). Effects of Abdominoplasty on Female Sexuality: A Pilot Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9(3), 918–926. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02583.x

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