Compensating for Facial Bone Changes to Enhance Beauty
Plastic surgeons in N.Y. are known for their commitment to be at the leading edge in the advancement of procedures to refine plans for facial rejuvenation. Researchers continually investigate the reasons for the appearance of aging on faces. They work hand and hand with plastic surgeons to focus on new ways to accommodate for changes that researchers discover.
Over time, there have been studies that have demonstrated facial bones change with age and these changes have an impact on the appearance of aging on the face. One of the more recent studies in 2011 led to the discovery that facial bones generally decrease with age- specifically, the brow, nose, upper jaw and lower jaw. On the increasing size side of the equation, the eye sockets become longer and wider over time. This combination may be partly responsible for forehead frown lines, crow’s feet and droopy lower eyelids. Study results were published in the January 2011 issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. These study results are just a small example of the many ways that plastic surgeons obtain insight into how to develop the right approach for your face.
Plastic surgeons have an armory of tools, such as, Botox Cosmetic and Facial Fillers, to help compensate for changes in facial bones. There are also techniques that select plastic surgeons may use to provide the best draping of soft tissue and skin over the facial bone structure during a face lift. In these ways, you may achieve the appearance of more youthfulness for graceful aging.
If you are interested in a plastic surgery, call board certified Dr. David Abramson, New York, New York plastic surgeon for a thorough consultation at 201-731-3134!