Putting Your Best Face Forward with a Face Lift
You may think it’s time for a fresh start, allowing for a broader prospective in life with the prospect of a bright future ahead. You may want to enhance your appearance for betterment in intimate, social and professional activities. It’s also a great time of year for a face lift that can help you put your best face forward for many years to follow.
If you are interested in a face lift and neck lift, you can be assured that the goal will be to smooth loose skin on your face and neck, tighten underlying tissue, and remove excess fat through incisions that are hidden as much as possible. If necessary, a turkey waddle appearance on the neck may be improved.
During the procedure, your facial skin will be separated from your underlying tissue and the excess will be trimmed. If more youthful contouring to your face is necessary, your deeper tissues may be repositioned. A small incision under your chin may be made to treat a turkey waddle. For less skin removal requirements, a less invasive endoscopic lift may be performed through inconspicuous incisions. For more pronounced sagging in the cheek area, a mid-face lift may be performed through an eyelid incision or others in a superior location for access to the treatment area. Following approximately 14 days of recovery, you’ll feel renewed with a new look. The results of the face and neck lift can last for 10 or more years, depending upon bone structure, heredity, lifestyle habits, and skin texture.
The best part of a face lift is that the procedure can turn back the hands of time. The idea of more youthfulness is welcoming for 2014.
If you are interested in a facelift, call board certified Dr. David Abramson, Englewood New Jersey and New York, New York plastic surgeon for a thorough consultation at (201) 568-6977 or (212) 774-1828.