The Top Ten Reasons for Nose Surgery
Nose surgery can be one of the most refreshing changes that women, girls, men and boys may experience today. People that select nose surgery tend to be primarily focused on this change in appearance only because they have witnessed firsthand the types of issues they have experienced because of the abnormality of their nose.
- If you’ve suffered from ridicule during school that contributed to a disinterest in participation of social activities.
- If you’ve shied away from careers that require a high level of interaction between staff members and the public.
- If your parents knew that your nose bothered you, but did not allow or otherwise prevented the procedure from being performed.
- If you’ve been concerned about breathing difficulties due to the abnormality of their nose.
What’s Wrong?
Since the nose is a central focal point on the face, it is important to evaluate the specific features of the nose in order to decide on the right approach to nose surgery. The At-Home approach to evaluating your reasons for nose surgery may be valuable. This is because when you meet with a nose surgeon, he or she will take time to evaluate the precise features of the nose that are bothersome to you, including.
1. Lumps or bumps that may appear on the nose any time after birth.
2. Nose depressions that appear as indentations on surfaces of the nose which may be present at birth or thereafter.
3. Nostrils of the nose that are very wide or conversely, very narrow.
4. Nostrils of the nose that appear to be too open on the nose.
5. Nose with pointed nasal tip.
6. Nose with flat nasal tip.
7. Nose with bulbous nasal tip.
8. Nose that is crooked in a frontal or side view.
9. Nose is off center in relation to the face.
10. Nose that is asymmetric in any other way.
Nose surgery success has been traditionally associated with the changed appearance of a specific treatment area located on the face. Weather the improvement from nose surgery meant altering shape or otherwise improving appearance, there is no doubt that nose surgery results offer an enhancement for many people today. Quantifiable results of nose surgery are simple to demonstrate through the improved appearance of a treatment area. More recently, the neuro-scientific benefits associated with plastic surgery have been realized. Numerous studies have provided evidence that other aspects of life may be positively influenced through plastic surgery. Evidence has mounted demonstrating the benefits of improved self- image and self- esteem through plastic surgery. People interested in plastic surgery may receive added benefits as a result of plastic surgery, but the end all and be all should be focused on the level of commitment to improve the appearance of a specific treatment area.
If any of the above descriptions apply to your nose, you may be a candidate for nose surgery. Yet, this list is a partial list of qualifications that you must meet in order to be a candidate for nose surgery. Plastic surgeons will review medical history, medications that you are taking, maturation of the individual for surgery, as well as, the extent of cartilage and bone that may be required to alter in order to achieve satisfactory results.
If you are interested in plastic surgery, call board certified Dr. David Abramson, New York, New York and New Jersey plastic surgeon for a thorough consultation at 201-731-3134!