Breast Surgery

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ

breast surgery new jersey

Breast surgery is a collection of cosmetic procedures that reshape and resize a woman’s breasts. Breast surgeries are one of the most routinely performed plastic surgery procedures in the country, and they have been for the last few decades. With the latest advancements in cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery, breast operations have evolved to successfully achieve a woman’s ideal breasts. Dr. David L. Abramson has long been one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in New York City. With his decades of experience, Dr. Abramson has helped thousands of women achieve their desired appearance. The first step is to schedule a personal consultation at one of our offices. To reach our offices in New York City, call (212) 774-1828. Patients in New Jersey can call (201) 731-3134 to speak with our staff in Englewood or Franklin Lakes. 

Before and After Photos

About Breast Surgery

To enhance a woman’s breasts, doctors, surgeons, and the producers of medical devices have continually developed and improved the techniques and materials utilized. These critical medical advancements have led to consistently better results, which have contributed to the ever-increasing popularity of these procedures! Since the 1960s, when gel implants were first introduced, the rate of breast surgeries has dramatically increased each year.[1] Surgeons have also perfected approaches to other breast procedures like breast lifts, and patients are now able to combine different breast procedures into a single surgery session to achieve their desired appearance. Breast procedures remain in the top five most performed surgical procedures.[2] 

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the most popular of breast procedures. Every year thousands of women choose breast augmentation because of this surgery’s ability to effectively create more volume and improve the shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation can utilize either silicone or saline implants that come in either a round or teardrop shape. Round implants are ideal for patients who want more projection, and teardrop implants are ideal for patients who want an gentler, natural-looking slope to their breasts.[3] Implants can be placed either on top of or just under the pectoral muscle, depending on the condition of the existing mammary tissue, and the desired effect. In addition, the size of the implants can also be customized to your liking. Breast augmentation is a highly personalized procedure that can be tailored to a woman’s unique desires and aesthetics. To learn more about the implants themselves, visit our breast implants page

Breast Lift

Also called a mastopexy, a breast lift is a simple surgical procedure to remove excess mammary tissue and bring the breasts up to a higher position. Unfortunately, as we age, our breasts can start to descend. This can occur at just about any age after adolescence and can have a serious effect on our self-image and self-confidence. The sagging in our breasts is caused by ptosis in the breast tissue. Ptosis comes in three degrees, from mild to advanced.

  1. Mild Ptosis: the bottom of the breasts has dipped just below the inframammary crease (the line where the underside of the breast and the chest wall meet).
  2. Moderate Ptosis: the nipple has dipped below the crease line. 
  3. Advanced Ptosis: the breast tissue and nipple have fallen so far below the crease line that the nipple faces downward. 

With a breast lift procedure, Dr. Abramson carefully removes excess tissue and repositions the nipple-areolar complex to sit higher on the chest. This procedure helps women see a younger, lifted appearance in the appearance of their breasts. 

Breast Lift With Augmentation

A common approach to breast enhancement is to combine breast augmentation with a breast lift. Many patients who are interested in a breast lift are also interested in increasing the size or projection of their breasts. For these women, Dr. Abramson offers breast lift with augmentation. In one simple surgical procedure, Dr. Abramson makes minor incisions to remove the ptotic tissue, reposition the breasts to a lifted position, and insert implants to achieve the patient’s ideal size. Because it is on the procedure, patients only have to undergo one recovery period, making it more convenient than enduring two separate procedures. With a combined approach, patients receive double the benefits from these two remarkable treatments.

Breast Fat Transfer

In recent years, patients have wanted to see more volume in their breasts but prefer to avoid implants. For these patients, Dr. Abramson uses a breast fat transfer. First, he begins by strategically extracting unwanted fat from different areas of the body using liposuction. Next, he purifies it and readies it for relocation. Dr. Abramson then carefully injects the fat into the breast tissue to give the area more natural volume and projection. Since it is the patient’s own fat cells, there is no risk of allergic reactions. And, because it uses living fat cells, patients who choose a breast fat transfer can expect to see these outstanding results for years to come.

Breast Revision

For decades breast surgeries have been widely performed. But not every woman is happy with their results later down the road. Some women desire smaller implants, more projection, or just want the implant removed entirely. Dr. Abramson offers breast revision to help these women revise their previous procedure’s results. By using the same incisions as the original entry points, Dr. Abramson does not create any new scarring. Patients can decide whether to use new implants or restore their natural contours. 

Breast Reconstruction

For those who have undergone a lumpectomy or a mastectomy, Dr. Abramson offers breast reconstruction. This rewarding procedure allows women to reconstruct their feminine silhouette by achieving new, natural-looking breasts. He does this by creating a personalized approach to your unique situation and desired results. He can use implants of fat transfer to build volume and projection in the breast tissue as well as other means to restore the appearance of your breast(s). 

Breast Reduction

For many women, lacking size and volume in the breasts is the opposite of their cosmetic dilemma. Through different stages of life, a woman can experience breasts that grow to an uncomfortable (and sometimes unmanageable) size. Breasts at this size can make everyday life awkward as physical activity becomes harder, clothes are more difficult to wear, and chronic back or shoulder pain takes its toll. For these women, Dr. Abramson offers a breast reduction. By surgically removing the excess breast tissue, Dr. Abramson can reduce breasts to a more desired, comfortable size and alleviate any chronic pain associated with this condition. 


Any woman interested in breast surgery is invited to schedule a personal consultation. Patients come from all seasons of life. We do recommend you be at a healthy, stable weight as future weight changes or pregnancies will diminish the results from your breast surgery. Also, we recommend that smokers discontinue smoking a couple of days before the surgery and for the entire duration of their recovery. Nicotine disrupts your body’s natural healing response. Lastly, patients who have informed and realistic expectations of this procedure are oftentimes the most satisfied with their results.

You may be considering breast augmentation to increase the size of your breasts or restore symmetry, or a reduction if you believe your breasts are too large, or even a reconstruction after a mastectomy. Dr. David L. Abramson and his highly trained staff offer multiple types of breast surgeries.

Many of his patients consider these procedures to help boost their self-confidence, correct asymmetry, or restore volume after a mastectomy. Regardless of the type of procedure you wish to undergo, it is crucial to know whether you are a good candidate for breast surgery in Englewood.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Surgery?

No matter what breast surgery you are considering, it is important to remember that this is a procedure you should want for yourself and not for someone else.

Women in Englewood who are good candidates for breast surgery are generally healthy and are not pregnant or breastfeeding. Anyone with underlying medical conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, should ensure their illness is well-managed. Unless you are undergoing breast reconstruction for early breast cancer, your breasts must be fully developed.

Many women choose breast surgery when they are dissatisfied with their breast shape or volume after weight loss, pregnancy, or aging. For some, the upper part of the breast can appear empty as the breast tissue sags; a breast lift with augmentation could solve this issue.

When one or both of your breasts are elongated, you may want augmentation or a breast lift to create a more pleasing silhouette. Ideal candidates should achieve their goal weight; however, it is crucial to understand that weight gain or loss could distort the results.

They should also refrain from smoking, as nicotine increases the risk of complications from surgery, such as poor healing or infection. Nicotine can also worsen the appearance of scar tissue. Dr. Abramson and his staff in Englewood recommend that you stop using any form of nicotine for at least six weeks before and after breast surgery, which includes vaping, nicotine gum, and nicotine patches. You also should stay away from aspirin or anything else that is a blood-thinner.

What To Know Before Breast Surgery

Once Dr. Abramson determines you can undergo breast surgery, he will provide instructions that should be carefully followed to reduce the risk of postoperative complications, including infection.

Before Surgery

You should fill your prescriptions before the day of your breast surgery, as Dr. Abramson could prescribe antibiotics or other post-op medications. It is also helpful to go shopping before your operation to ensure you have all the necessary supplies or personal items for your recovery.

After Surgery

Ensure a friend or family member in Englewood can transport you to and from surgery and assist you for the first 24 to 72 hours post-op. You should avoid lifting anything that weighs over five pounds; ask someone for help when necessary.

What to Expect During Recovery from Breast Surgery

After your breast procedure, you must stay in the recovery room until Dr. Abramson’s medical staff releases you. Some patients in Englewood experience slight dizziness or fatigue and require assistance.

You might experience fatigue for the first week following your breast surgery. It is important to give your body time to fully heal. After one week, you can resume some of your daily activities; however, you should avoid swimming or submerging yourself in water for the first six weeks after surgery to reduce the risk of infection. Dr. Abramson will let you know when you can shower.

Call Our Office in Englewood to Discuss If You Are a Candidate for Breast Surgery

To determine whether you are a candidate for breast surgery in Englewood, you should discuss your concerns and medical history with Dr. Abramson. His office will answer your questions and recommend the best procedure to address your concerns.

Personal Consultation

If it is your first time visiting us, we will begin your consultation with a brief new patient intake interview and a physical examination. Since we will use general anesthesia, patients will need to be at a healthy weight and free of any interfering comorbidities. Then, Dr. Abramson will listen to learn about your desired breast shape and size. He will explain how different breast surgeries work, recovery timetables, and what approach he recommends for you. Then, Dr. Abramson will explain the difference between the implant options and help you decide which one is best for you. Next, he will begin a personalized treatment plan to address each one of your cosmetic concerns. Before you leave our care, we will give you a list of preparatory steps to follow before your surgery. 

Preparation for Breast Surgery

To prepare for breast surgery, it is best to follow these guidelines.

  • Discontinue using any blood-thinning medications as these will cause excessive bleeding during the surgery. 
  • Appoint a designated caregiver to drive you home after your procedure. You will come out from anesthesia unfit to drive yourself home.
  • Prefill all prescription medications our office sends out. The last thing you will want to do after breast surgery is wait in line at the pharmacy.
  • Stop smoking. Nicotine constricts blood vessels which hampers the body’s natural wound healing response.  

Breast surgery is a personal decision that comes with many questions and potential risks. Preparing for breast surgery in Englewood may help you manage your anxiety around your procedure and make your post-operative recovery smoother. Dr. David L. Abramson and highly trained medical staff can explain what to do to ensure you have an easy and seamless recovery.

What Should I Do to Prepare for Breast Surgery?

The time you must take to recover from breast surgery depends on the type of procedure you get, but you should take specific steps to prepare.

Before Your Surgery

In the weeks before breast surgery, you should adopt good fitness habits, such as upper-body stretches and low-weight strength training, which can help improve your posture and build strength.

It is also crucial to stop smoking before your breast surgery because nicotine can impair your ability to heal and increase your risk of complications in general anesthesia. This includes traditional cigarettes, as well as vapes, patches, and gum. You should refrain from these products for six weeks before and after surgery to ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of infection.

In the weeks leading up to surgery, practice good hand washing and avoid people who are sick. Contracting a viral or bacterial illness can postpone your surgery. Let the doctor know if you have any changes in your health in the weeks leading up to surgery.

The week leading up to breast surgery is a good time to take proactive steps and organize for the days ahead to ensure you can relax during your recovery. When you are discharged from your procedure, you cannot drive home, so you must arrange for someone to take you home and stay with you for the first 24 to 48 hours.

Having someone at your side can make a positive difference in your overall recovery. Since you cannot lift over five pounds or raise your hands above your head during your recovery, you will likely rely on this person for many things.

You should ensure your employer knows how much time you will require off for surgery. If you work a desk job, you can return within five business days after your procedure; however, you could need up to six weeks off if your job requires physical labor.

Consult with Dr. Abramson and his staff in Englewood to ensure that you follow the correct steps in the days leading up to your breast procedure.

Prepare Before Surgery

In the days before your breast surgery, you should pack the necessary items to bring with you, like your ID, a list of prescription medications, your insurance card, and any necessary paperwork.

Dr. Abramson’s post-operative care instructions include information on prescription medications to use before and after surgery. You should fill these medications before your breast surgery.

Go shopping and fully stock up on food or personal items. Consult the doctor to ensure you have the post-operative garments you need.

You should also create a space at home where you can rest comfortably for the first couple of days after surgery. Easy access to a water bottle with straw, telephone, remote control, and garbage can is helpful.

What Can You Do on the Day Before Surgery?

On the day before surgery, you can shower as directed by Dr. Abramson’s staff. They recommend shampooing your hair but refraining from using scented products, including creams or moisturizers. You should also shave or wax your underarms now, as it could be challenging to do so in the week following your surgery.

Do not eat or drink the night before your surgery. You should also remove any jewelry, hair clips, or body piercings and wear comfortable clothing, such as a button-down shirt or a jacket with a zipper.

What You Should Not Do While Preparing for Breast Surgery

The breast surgery experts in Englewood provide you with preoperative and post-operative instructions that you must follow. These are in place for good reason, as they will make your recovery go more smoothly and help reduce the risk of complications during and after the operation.

Dr. Abramson and his medical staff will also review your current medications and advise you to stop taking medications or supplements that thin your blood, such as naproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E, or Ginkgo biloba. You should continue taking your prescription medications until we tell you otherwise.

Be sure to get adequate rest before your breast surgery. Rest is crucial to your overall well-being and the success of the procedure. Lack of sleep can increase your stress, contribute to anxiety, and impair your ability to think clearly.

Call the Office in Englewood to Schedule an Appointment When Preparing for Breast Surgery

When considering breast surgery, it is crucial that you understand how to prepare for the operation and what to expect during recovery. Call to schedule your consultation today to learn more about breast surgery in Englewood.


After your breast surgery, Dr. Abramson will wrap your treated tissue in a compression garment. This will help the body accept the alterations and keep the implant in proper placement. Over the next few days be sure to sleep on your back so you don’t disturb the sutures. At your follow-up meeting, we will determine where you are in the healing process and what next steps need to be taken.

Breast surgeries are a common cosmetic procedure that helps improve your self-confidence and silhouette. Whether you are recovering from breast reconstructionaugmentation, or reduction, we have several tips that can make your post-operative process smoother. Regardless of the type of modification you are looking for, you must be prepared for the steps involved in breast surgery recovery in Englewood.

Tips to Follow Before Breast Surgery

You can take several steps before undergoing breast surgery in Englewood to make your recovery process easier and more convenient. By following these, you will be fully prepared for the procedure and the post-operative period.

Read Instructions Beforehand

Your qualified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Abramson, is your guide and partner throughout this journey. It is crucial to read and understand all the instructions he provides before surgery, as there will be some helpful information about what you can generally expect in your postoperative care. This will give you ample time to ask questions and seek clarification before the day of surgery.

Know Which Medications to Take

Your plastic surgeon will typically prescribe medications for you to take before and after surgery, including antibiotics and pain medication. Be sure you have those prescriptions filled well before your surgery date. Your preoperative instructions may also include not taking certain types of medications or supplements in the weeks before surgery. If these instructions include prescriptions you currently take, discuss this with the doctor who provided them.

Prepare Your Home

Go shopping before surgery to fill your pantry with healthy snacks, food, and pain relievers. You will not be doing many errands in the first-week post-op, so having what you need at home is helpful!

Stop Smoking and Vaping

In addition, you must stop smoking and vaping for at least six weeks before and after breast surgery. Nicotine increases your risk of complications during the procedure, as well as your risk of infection after, and impairs your body’s ability to heal correctly. As a result, this can worsen the appearance of your scar tissue. Likewise, it is vital to stop the use of nicotine gum or patches.

Essential Guidelines to Follow During Breast Surgery Recovery

You will feel tired for the first week after surgery, so plan to rest and relax at home as your body recovers. You will have to avoid certain activities in the first two or three days that could elevate your blood pressure and trigger bleeding. You should not get in a swimming pool or bathtub for six weeks and should not take a shower for the first 24 hours. A post-surgical bra or garment must also be worn at all times during the first six weeks.

Have a Support Person

For 24 to 72 hours, you will need someone to stay with you, especially if you have young children. Your support person can help with childcare and house upkeep, as well as watch for any complications. Talk to Dr. Abramson about the common signs of infection. If you see symptoms, such as increasing warmth or redness at the incision site and fever, call our office immediately.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

In addition, you cannot lift anything more than five pounds while recovering from breast surgery in Englewood. Similarly, during the first weeks of post-procedure, you must avoid bending over or reaching your hands overhead or across your body.

What to Expect During Your Recovery

Once you are awake and stable, as determined by medical staff, you will be discharged from the recovery room. In the first 24 hours, you may experience minor dizziness, so it is important to ask for help from your support person anytime you get up to walk.

First Week Post-Op

Most patients need pain medication for the first two to three days. While these first 48 hours can be challenging, it will not be long before you begin to feel normal. It is crucial that you stay home from work for the first week to rest. By the end of the initial week, you will notice your energy level begin to rise, and there should be reduced soreness.

Three Weeks Post-Op

During recovery, your incision site will be covered, and you will need instructions regarding changing and checking the dressings. By the third week, you can resume your regular daily activities except for upper body and other high-impact exercises.

Two Months Post-Op

After two months, you are out of the initial recovery phase, and most patients are cleared to resume everyday living, including regular fitness routines and other strenuous activities. For more information on recovery expectations for Englewood breast surgery, get in touch with us!

Call Today and Learn What is Involved in Englewood Breast Surgery Recovery

Reach out to us when you are ready to get started on your aesthetic makeover. Dr. Abramson and his dedicated staff are more than happy to schedule your appointment to discuss breast surgery recovery in Englewood.

Do not hesitate to ask any questions or express concerns you may have; we want you to feel comfortable, happy, and safe throughout the process. Get in touch today!


The cost of your breast surgery will depend on the exact surgery Dr. Abramson uses and the cost of the surgical requirements. We will discuss the price of your unique procedure during your consultation. For those interested in financing their surgery, please take a look at our financing page or give us a call at (212) 774-1828 in New York City or at (201) 731-3134 to reach our offices in Englewood and Franklin Lakes. To stay up to date on the latest advancements in the aesthetic field, venture over to our blog!


  1. Coombs, D. M., Grover, R., Prassinos, A., & Gurunluoglu, R. (2019). Breast augmentation surgery: Clinical considerations. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 86(2), 111–122.
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2020). American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  3. Adams WP Jr., Mallucci P. Breast augmentation. Plast Reconstr Surg 2012; 130(4):597e–611e. doi:10.1097/PRS.0b013e318262f607

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