Breast surgeries are a common cosmetic procedure that helps improve your self-confidence and silhouette. Whether you are recovering from breast reconstruction, augmentation, or reduction, we have several tips that can make your post-operative process smoother. Regardless of the type of modification you are looking for, you must be prepared for the steps involved in breast surgery recovery in Englewood.
Tips to Follow Before Breast Surgery
You can take several steps before undergoing breast surgery in Englewood to make your recovery process easier and more convenient. By following these, you will be fully prepared for the procedure and the post-operative period.
Read Instructions Beforehand
Your qualified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Abramson, is your guide and partner throughout this journey. It is crucial to read and understand all the instructions he provides before surgery, as there will be some helpful information about what you can generally expect in your postoperative care. This will give you ample time to ask questions and seek clarification before the day of surgery.
Know Which Medications to Take
Your plastic surgeon will typically prescribe medications for you to take before and after surgery, including antibiotics and pain medication. Be sure you have those prescriptions filled well before your surgery date. Your preoperative instructions may also include not taking certain types of medications or supplements in the weeks before surgery. If these instructions include prescriptions you currently take, discuss this with the doctor who provided them.
Prepare Your Home
Go shopping before surgery to fill your pantry with healthy snacks, food, and pain relievers. You will not be doing many errands in the first-week post-op, so having what you need at home is helpful!
Stop Smoking and Vaping
In addition, you must stop smoking and vaping for at least six weeks before and after breast surgery. Nicotine increases your risk of complications during the procedure, as well as your risk of infection after, and impairs your body’s ability to heal correctly. As a result, this can worsen the appearance of your scar tissue. Likewise, it is vital to stop the use of nicotine gum or patches.
Essential Guidelines to Follow During Breast Surgery Recovery
You will feel tired for the first week after surgery, so plan to rest and relax at home as your body recovers. You will have to avoid certain activities in the first two or three days that could elevate your blood pressure and trigger bleeding. You should not get in a swimming pool or bathtub for six weeks and should not take a shower for the first 24 hours. A post-surgical bra or garment must also be worn at all times during the first six weeks.
Have a Support Person
For 24 to 72 hours, you will need someone to stay with you, especially if you have young children. Your support person can help with childcare and house upkeep, as well as watch for any complications. Talk to Dr. Abramson about the common signs of infection. If you see symptoms, such as increasing warmth or redness at the incision site and fever, call our office immediately.
Avoid Strenuous Activities
In addition, you cannot lift anything more than five pounds while recovering from breast surgery in Englewood. Similarly, during the first weeks of post-procedure, you must avoid bending over or reaching your hands overhead or across your body.
What to Expect During Your Recovery
Once you are awake and stable, as determined by medical staff, you will be discharged from the recovery room. In the first 24 hours, you may experience minor dizziness, so it is important to ask for help from your support person anytime you get up to walk.
First Week Post-Op
Most patients need pain medication for the first two to three days. While these first 48 hours can be challenging, it will not be long before you begin to feel normal. It is crucial that you stay home from work for the first week to rest. By the end of the initial week, you will notice your energy level begin to rise, and there should be reduced soreness.
Three Weeks Post-Op
During recovery, your incision site will be covered, and you will need instructions regarding changing and checking the dressings. By the third week, you can resume your regular daily activities except for upper body and other high-impact exercises.
Two Months Post-Op
After two months, you are out of the initial recovery phase, and most patients are cleared to resume everyday living, including regular fitness routines and other strenuous activities. For more information on recovery expectations for Englewood breast surgery, get in touch with us!
Call Today and Learn What is Involved in Englewood Breast Surgery Recovery
Reach out to us when you are ready to get started on your aesthetic makeover. Dr. Abramson and his dedicated staff are more than happy to schedule your appointment to discuss breast surgery recovery in Englewood.
Do not hesitate to ask any questions or express concerns you may have; we want you to feel comfortable, happy, and safe throughout the process. Get in touch today!