Fat Reduction Over The Holidays?

The countdown is on. Holiday breakfasts, festive luncheons, happy hour celebrations and jovial dinner parties. There are many great times to look forward with many delicious treats to please your pallet. First, a realistic goal for weight control during this indelible season is wise. The initial start of inspiration may come from fitting in some healthy routines before and after all of the festivities. In addition, this season may be a good time to fit in a plastic surgical approach to fat reduction.

Keep an overall general attention to selecting healthy foods, such as, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat dairy. Fiber slows the rate that sugar is absorbed to help regulate glucose levels from pecan pies and candy houses. Remember your main meal portion size should not be larger than the size of the palm of your hand. Bottom line- water is not packed with calories like other drinks.  One evening alcoholic drink for women and two for men may be your best bet for weight control.

Interested in Fat Reduction Through Plastic Surgery?
Many people select fat reduction options through plastic surgery this time of year. Sweaters mask recovery bandages and snuggling up through recovery doesn’t sound like such a bad idea during this season. Learn more!

Coolsculpting is a non-invasive approach that is safe and speedy for those who qualify. There is no recovery period. Coolsculpting targets fat cells under your skin, freezing away your fat for those who qualify. Coolsculpting targets your problem areas without using knives and needles!

Tumescent Liposuction involves the injection of much more fluid than used in other techniques to provide greater aid for fat removal. The cannula is used to suction the disrupted fat cells.

Ultrasonic Lipo involves the use of an ultrasonic cannula, capable of emitting ultrasonic waves to help break the fat.

Mini Tummy Tuck and Traditional Tummy Tuck  results add a new dimension to fat reduction by treating lax muscles and excess skin that may appear as a protruding abdomen.

Female Breast Reduction offers a means for women to obtain relief from back, neck, shoulder pain and associated medical conditions.  The breast reduction procedure offers a reduction in size and may lift the breasts for a more natural, proportional look that feels good every season.

Male Breast Reduction assists men who are unable to achieve weight loss through traditional diet and exercise, such as those with Gynecomastia, genetic abnormalities, steroid use, and hormone use.

Body Lift Procedures offers a transformation for many who have lost weight and maintained it for up to two years. Designed to trim away excess tissue and skin, the results offer a natural appearance and freedom for many to feel comfortable with their new look.

If you are interested in plastic surgery for fat reduction, call board certified Dr. David Abramson, Englewood New Jersey and New York, New York plastic surgeon for a thorough consultation at (201) 568-6977 or (212) 774-1828.

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